A True Prophet of the Time


    “How Beautiful upon the Mountains are the Feet of the Messenger
    who Announces Peace, who Brings the Good News” (Is 52:7)

    A true prophet of the time , after the heart of St. Alphonsus Ligouri –  the founder of the Redemptorists, a tender father who gently leads God’s people with kind care, the preacher who proclaims the Word of God  through his lips as well as his life – he is none other than Fr. Joseph CSsR. With a deep knowledge of the Word of God and the Teaching of the Church, he truly guides all those who seek spiritual nourishment. The Word of God explained with the help of examples taken from our  daily lives, especially from family situations, makes his classes attractive and fruitful. Over the years he has been a guiding beacon for our Congregation, through the retreats he gave to Novices, Junior Sisters, Tertians, Sisters of different communities and Generalates. He taught us to have a passion for life, always insisted upon humanizing our life, especially to radiate the compassionate face of God. His talks always reminded us to exercise our spiritual motherhood wherever we are and to be rooted in our Consecrated Life, by being faithful to it. His emphasis on personal prayer – “The Tent of Meeting”, has helped us always to seek God in our lives. His talks are always focused on actual daily life situations and the need of fostering a good community atmosphere. His kindness and patience to all who seek spiritual help is praise worthy.  We are really grateful to him, for patiently guiding us on the path of our spiritual growth.

    Sr. Anjitha Maria AC

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