Formatees’ Gathering2016


    ‘How good and pleasant it is when brothers live in unity’, yes it was such a joyful and pleasant experience, when the young Redemptorists who are in the formation came together for the 14th Formatees’ gathering which was held from May 26-30 at Chowara. The Chowara community under the guidance of the rector Rev. Fr. George Areeckal, ensured that the participants had comfortable board and lodge. The inauguration of the gathering, took place in the evening. Fr. Joy Poonoly, the Provincial, after his address officially inaugurated the Formatees’ gathering.
    One of the highlights of the gathering was the felicitation of the newly ordained priests. The dinner on the first day was in honour of the newly ordained and their parents. After the dinner, there was an organized get-together to felicitate the newly ordained and their parents. A memento was presented to the parents and the newly ordained priests by Rev. Fr. Joy Poonoly. The sharing by the newly ordained was really touching and inspiring. Our newly ordained celebrated the Holy Qurbana for the students on 27th morning.
    The rest of the morning was spent in some serious study. Since we celebrate the Jubilee of the Icon of the Mother of Perpetual Help, an input session was organised on Mother Mary. To give more joy to the gathering we had the final profession of our two brothers Jaise and Alex. The family members of the brothers were invited to witness the ceremony. We had a great felicitation in the evening to honour the finally professed brothers. The community fathers of Chowara put up a special thattukada to entertain the gathering. It was an amazing job by the fathers. One of the attractions of the gathering was the volleyball match with players from the Indian Junior Volleyball Team. We had an enjoyable match with them andour brothers put up a good fight and a good practice session too. But finally they won the match. On the last day of the gathering, twelve of our brothers were ordained as sub-deacons by Bishop Mathew Vaniakizhakkel VC.
    The Formatees’ gathering provides all the foramators and the formatees and other confreres an opportunity to come and live together for a few days every year. Truly it is a joyful experience of fellowship and brotherhood. We hope it will continue to strengthen the loving bond that binds us together as Redemptorists.

    Bro. Jineesh Mattackal C.Ss.R.

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