Preparation for the Final Profession


    When we ask someone what their job is they may reply that by profession they are psychologists or name some profession or the other. But for us, religious profession means, a public declaration of vows of Chastity, Poverty, and Obedience. This year ten of us brothers, Dinu, Gerard, Promod (Bangalore Province); Louis, Derreck, Rohan, Rithesh, Richard (Vice- Province of Majella); Jaise and Alex (Liguori Province) were due for the final profession. According to the Statute (075) we had a one month preparation course in Varca, St. Gerard Study House, Goa. We began our course on 24th April, it concluded on 25th May. All the fathers were supportive and took care of each one of us. An outing was a part of our preparation course in Goa. It really helped us to refresh our mind. At the end of the month we had our 8 days of our canonical retreat which was conducted by Fr. Lester C.Ss.R from the Vice-Province of Majella. This retreat was mainly faith sharing and we had lot of interactive sessions during the retreat which helped us to understand where we are and where we need to be. We have great joy after all these preparations and profession that we are permanent members of the Congregation.
    Bros. Alex V. and Jaise K

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