Formatees’ Gathering


    The members of the Liguori Province gathered together in the month of May to live together, to share our love and to experience the joy of the gospel. This year we had the formatees’ gathering which took place from 27th to 30th May at St. Clement’s study house, Vadavathoor. There were many priests and brothers from different formation houses. Their valuable presence made the gathering memorable and colourful. After a short introduction by Fr. Stephen Onisseril secretary of the secretariat of formation, Fr. Roy Veliyath, the member of the Vadavathoor community welcomed all to the gathering. The gathering was formally inaugurated on May 27th evening by Rev. Fr. Joy Poonoly, the Provincial superior. The inaugural address he said: “where there is religious there is joy.”After the inaugural address Fr. Provincial lit the lamp to inaugurate the gathering. On the same day evening, a grand reception was given to the newly ordained priests, Frs. Shinto Moongathottathil, Nithin Chirackapurayidathil and also to their parents. After the supper the students arranged a gathering to felicitate the newly ordained. The theologians came with a variety programme named “Red’s Melody”(music night) dedicated to the newly ordained. It was well appreciated one. The newly ordained priests, celebrated the Holy Mass on 28th morning. Fr. Shinto was the main celebrant and Fr. Nithin preached the homily. Besides these celebrations there was an input session by Fr. Joseph Valachathinakathu the Vicar of the province. The class was on consecrated life. Soon after the session we had some outdoor games and competitions. All the teams were very strong enough to participate in all the games and had good competition with other teams. The most important day of our gathering was the day of Profession, May 29th so, all the brothers really worked hard for making the ceremony a memorable one. On that day the theologian Bro. Varghese (Jineesh) Mattackal made his Perpetual Profession and nine of our novices Bros. Shibin Mulavarickal, Thomas Padinjarekutt, Jojo Puthussery, Arun Souriyamkuzhiyil, Antony Puthoor, Albin Vadakkepeedika, Jibin Ezharayathu, Abin Varakanattu and Jomet Therattil made their Temporary Profession. The Confreres from different communities, sisters from nearby convents, some of the neighbors and the close family members of the perpetually and temporary professed students were present for the ceremony. Fr. Provincial Joy Poonoly was the main celebrant for this ceremony and Frs. Tony Kattakkayam and Chacko Pendanath assisted him. During the Eucharist Fr. Poulose Thettayil preached the homily. On the eve of 29th Fr. Provincial thanked all for all the works and arrangements and also Fr. Stephen thanked for all the co-operation to make the gathering a successful one. At last as the representative of students Bro. Jinto also thanked all the fathers and brothers for their valuable presence. The gathering was concluded with the Holy Mass on 30th May. Fr. Tony Kattakkayam was the celebrant. The Holy Mass was offered for all the deceased confreres of the Liguori Province. The gathering will help each one to come to know and interact with one another. I think these gatherings will be the stepping stones for the better communities in future.
    -Bro. Alex Vazhappilly

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