Jubilee celebration of MPH Icon in New Zeland


    Both the Churches of St. Thérèse Mangere East and St. Anthony Mangere Bridge, New Zeland had NINE DAYS OF SOLEMN NOVENA from 20th to 28th June under the able guidance of Frs. Felise Lemi C.Ss.R. and Manoj Kunnath C.Ss.R. The Novena began with Mass followed by Solemn Novena and Benediction. Fr. Joy Thottankara C.Ss.R. celebrated Mass during the days of novena in both parishes. Confreres from the C.Ss.R community helped out in the services. There was a committee of 18 members to coordinate it. The services of each days was well attended. People from different communities like Samoans, Tongans, Cook Islanders, Maori, Indians, Philippinos took leadership in the services as they were allotted. Br. Kevin Gibb C.Ss.R gave a beautiful Power Point presentation on the history of the Icon.
    Manoj Kunnath C.Ss.R

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