Alphonse Bhavan


    Alphonse Bhavan community at Edoor inaugurated the Jubilee year of entrusting the icon of Mother of Perpetual Help to the Redemptorists together with the inauguration of the silver jubilee of the erection of Alphonse Bhavan and the feast of St. Alphonsus on 1st August 2015. The community spent an hour in adoration thanking the Lord for his abundant blessings on the eve of the day. On the feast day the neighboring Catholics joined us for the adoration of the Blessed Sacrament at 5.30 am. followed by the solemn Eucharistic celebration presided by Fr. Joemon Kunnumpurath and the whole community concelebrating with him. Fr. Jose poovannikunnel delivered the homily highlighting the triple events. Fr. Binu Annathukuzhy conducted the novena to the Mother of Perpetual Help. The icon of OLPH was distributed to all and the people received it with great reverence. The programme ended with agape. A good number of people participated in everything. It was very good of them that many voluntarily turned up the previous day to clean the chapel and the premises. May Mother Mary and St. Alphonsus continue to come to their aid!

    Fr. Jose Poovannikunnel,


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