The Jubilee of Four Confreres


    28 June 2015 was a day of great joy for the Liguori Province. We celebrated the Jubilee of four of our confreres at the Provincial House – Golden Jubilee of Profession of Fr. Chacko Pendanathu, Silver Jubilee of Profession of Frs. Tomy Kizhakkethundathil, Kuruvila Marottickal and Niclavose Punnackal. The family members and relatives too were invited for the celebration. We had a solemn Holy Qurbana at 10.30 a.m. in which Fr. Chacko was the main celebrant and others were concelebrants. Fr. Baby Verananickal preached a wonderful homily. He also spoke about the great contributions by each one of them for the Congregation. After the Qurbana, there was a felicitation program in the chapel itself. The Jubilerians cut the cake. Fr. Joy Poonoly and family members felicitated them. Ponnada, memento and gifts were presented to them. The celebrations ended with a fellowship meal.

    Fr. Geo Nampudakathu C.Ss.R.


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