“Charity Unlimited”


    “Life is not about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself”. These words by George Bernard Shaw have been true with my self. The apostalate rendered by me helped to mould and form me into a zealous Redemptorist.
    In the spirit of “Charity Unlimited” the Little Brothers of the Good Shepherd promote as a Catholic organization. They strive to enhance the quality of life for all who seek assistance and support.Availability, Flexibility, Adaptability, and Hospitality, Dignity are the words that describe them.
    The Little Brothers of the Good Shepherd was founded by Brother Mathias Barrett in 1951, in Albuquerque, New Mexico. Due to the lack of members, this year, 2015, in January the Little Brothers of the Good Shepherd joined with the congregation of St. John of God. At present the Brothers have one North American Province and their ministries are located in Canada, the United States, England and Haiti.

    I was privileged to work with the Brothers and their organization for two years. It was an eye opener for me to see just four brothers with more than 1200 volunteers and almost 500 paid workers managing, the Good Shepherd Centre, Food Bank & Clothing Room, Women’s services, The Family Centre, Youth Services, Health clinics, Barrett Centre for Crisis Support, Good Shepherd Works, Emmanuel House and Palliative services, Affordable and Supportive Housing, Community Mental Health Programs, Assisted Living Program for Seniors. These people are trying to live the vision of Brother Mathias Charity Unlimited and Never stop Loving. I was mostly involved with the Good Shepherd’s Homes program, where spiritual care has been given to the mentally ill, homeless and those with many kinds of problems. Through counseling and special programs and events, I have reached out to the marginalized and most abandoned people. I have been touched and enriched by these people and their stories.

    With this rich experience God lead me to a parish ministry here in Hamilton. The name of the parish is Sacred Heart of Jesus and it is situated in a most beautiful Mountain brow. This parish began in 1921 and it is the first parish on the Mountain. We have an elementary school and a neighboring big hospital attached to the parish. We have daily Mass in the parish and an Adoration from 8 am to 9 am followed by Mass has been started. The Bishop of Hamilton has selected this parish as a place of pilgrimage for the Year of Divine Mercy which the Pope is going to declare on December 8th on the feastday of the Immaculate Conception of Our Blessed Mother. Many things need to be planned and done in this parish to let people know and experience the love and mercy of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

    Fr. Saju Oreethaparampil

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