Long Cherished Dream


    A long awaited dream has been fulfilled. Finally I am at the altar of the Lord. As I look back at my formation period, I can see the tremendous blessings that God had been showering upon me. Whenever I thought of my unworthiness, God gave me the confidence to persevere in my vocation through different persons and situations. Yes, finally as I am at the Altar of the Lord, I can say nothing but praise to you Lord. When I think of my dream as a Redemptorist priest, I don’t have any so called particular dream as such, but to remain faithful to my vocation and consecrated vows. I need to be available for the needs of my congregation though it is going to be challenging. I want to be a faithful member of my congregation keeping in mind the charism, ie., to proclaim the Gospel to the most abandoned till I breathe my last. May God grant me the necessary energy to be as I wish to be.
    Yours in the Redeemer.
    Fr. Sijo Kallammakkel


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